Some Photos and Postcards:

On this page we show you just a few old photos. More photos (old and new ones) are available in our photo-albums. If you have photos / postcards like ours we would be happy to build a new album and present your pictures!

Album 1This Album will show you some more photos from the 20th and 30th.
Album 2Fred Sisson's "F"-Type racer and modified engine - Bill T.'s Super Sports.
Album 3From Down Under: Terry Doyle, Dave Whitelaw und Chris Page.
Album 4Today owned by Jerry Larke: Clive Lones '29 Brooklands Racer.

Grand Prix No.2

Can anybody identify the driver, shown in that picture? If you know who it is, please tell us by email:
The car most probably is a Grand Prix No2; the same model has been driven by Mr Gordon McMinnies in the first Cyclecar Grand Prix at Amiens / France. It might very well be that the driver is Mr Gordon McMinnies himself.

Album 5Frank Friedli's Mogworm and a 1919 Sporting Darmont-Morgan.
Album 6Schwab's and Christian's Super Sports and Trutzenbach's Sports 2-Seater.
Album 7Darmont and Sandford Three-Wheelers.
Album 8Morgan-Racing in the USA: George Tollworthy and Larry Ayers.

Car NP7404

Album 9Historical Darmont and Morgan 3-Wheeler photos. NEW
Album 10SALOME — a four-wheeled Morgan. NEW

Jack Sylvester


This photo shows Jack Sylvester in a Blackburne-engined Aero racer during a sand meeting in 1925 at Skegness beach. Note: The rear wheel is standing on a wooden plank for better initial traction.


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