Morgan Catalogue 1926:
Here you can see a few pages from the Morgan Catalogue from 1926.
Pages two to five do not contain any pictures, therefore we attached them as a text file.
Catalogue 1926, Front-page |
Catalogue 1926, Back-page |
Page 6 |
Page 7 |
Page 8 |
Page 9 |
Page 10 |
Page 11 |
The Morgan Runabout
HAS been before the public for sixteen years, having been exhibited at Olympia in 1910, and during that time has proved its efficiency and reliability
in all the most important public trials. It has a great advantage, therefore, over untried and unsuccessful machines. It is designed to meet the needs
of those who require something cheaper and simpler than a car, but more comfortable than a motor cycle. To this end, particular attention has been
paid to the simplicity of construction, easy accessibility of all parts, lightness and strength. The price is fixed to suit the man of moderate means, but
quality has not been sacrificed to cheapness. Every part is standardized, and as an illustrated price list of parts is given with each machine, renewals
can be made cheaply and without delay.
Our intention in designing the MORGAN RUNABOUT has not been to copy in miniature the design of a car. Many so-called cycle-cars are small
cars with all the parts and necessary complications of a car; lightness and cheapness are obtained by diminishing the size of working parts: in other
words, their strength and durability. We claim for the MORGAN simplicity and strength, obtained by novel construction. That durability is not sacrificed
to lightness is proved by the reliability of our car in the most severe public tests, the good opinions of private owners, expressed in the most gratifying
terms, and the fact that many of our machines built sixteen years ago are running well to-day.
Our original design has proved so satisfactory that it has not been found necessary to change it, but during the sixteen years it has been on the road
it has been continually improved in detail. On this account depreciation is much less than in the case of most car.
page 2
A new and improved pattern, large valve, Side Valve, Air and Water Cooled 85x85 J.A.P. Engine, is now fitted as standard; other engines can be fitted to order.
The various models which we make are as follows: -
THE STANDARD. - A short wheel base model, this is a thoroughly sound proposition for those who require a reliable machine at the lowest possible price;
its working parts are exactly the same as those in our other models.
THE DE LUXE. - Has a chassis twelve inches longer, a larger and better finished body, with lower seating and more comfortable upholstery, is fitted. This
is our most popular model, and it can hold its own with any light car for comfort and appearance.
THE FAMILY. - Has been placed on the market to enable three children to be carried comfortably as well as the driver and passenger; the front seat is
adjustable, and all seats are covered with the hood. This model has been on the market for six years, and we can guarantee it will give the greatest satisfaction.
A total weight of 40 stone can be carried.
AERO AND GRAND PRIX. - These are sporting models, and are well known to be the fastest passenger outfits obtainable at anything near their price. An
O.H.V. Blackburne Engine, which has been specially designed for us, can be fitted to these models, it has extra large spindles and bearings, and develops over
40 B.H.P. Similar Engines have exceeded a speed of 104 m.p.h. on Brooklands, and have won many awards in speed trials, and hill climbs.
The Lucas Self-starter can be fitted to our Standard, De Luxe and Family models; it gives every satisfaction and costs £12 extra.
We reserve the right to alter the specification of any model, also the price, at any time.
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ENGINE. - Air or Water cooled, Special 8 H.P. J.A.P., can be removed from frame by undoing four bolts; started from countershaft with handle.
IGNITION. - M-L High Tension Magneto, actuated by bevel wheels, easily accessible, safe from mud and dust.
FRAME. - Special patented design, all metal, very light and immensely strong.
CLUTCH. - Simple cone, Fabric lined, self-contained and dust-proof, with ball thrust bearings, actuated by foot pedal; easy to adjust.
GEAR. - The drive is taken through the main frame tube from a squarejoint in clutch to bevel wheel, behind which is fitted a double row ball bearing. The countershaft
runs on very large ball bearings in gear box. From the countershaft the drive is transmitted by two in. pitch specially strong interchangeable Chains, which are put into
gear by a pair of Dog clutches worked by a side lever, giving two speeds and neutral. The chains, being short and running at low speed, give no trouble if adjusted occasionally.
WHEELS. - The front wheels are fitted with extra large hubs, best quality spokes and car type rims are used; the back wheel runs on two ball bearings.
BACK FORKS. - These are now fitted with our registered design of back fork ends, which allows the back wheel to be removed with the greatest ease and without
detaching the chains. The fixing of the back fork pin in the gear box has been improved and made adjustable.
CONTROL. - B. & B., Amac or Bink's two-jet Carburetters Levers for carburetter and spark on steering wheel, and exhaust valve lifter is fitted for easy starting.
BRAKES. - Two band brakes are fitted to the back wheel, controlled by a hand lever and foot pedal. The back wheel can easily be removed.
MUD WINGS-These are large and effective, fitted with metal valances, and fixed firmly to the bodywork.
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SPECIFICATION. - continued.
LUGGAGE CARRIER. - Over back wheel, can be arranged to carry any reasonable weight.
BODYWORK. - Is very strongly made of wood and sheet steel; it is entirely separate from chassis and can be detached in a few minutes. Five different types of bodies
are manufactured. All are well made and comfortable; the latest De Luxe and Family models are higher in the sides and can be fitted with a double adjustable Windscreen
and Side Curtains. Moseley "Float-on-Air" Cushions are used on all models. Lucas Electric Horns on Aero and De Luxe, and a Driving Mirror on the De Luxe.
TANK. - Holding three gallons of petrol and half a gallon of lubricating oil; is fitted under the bonnet; oil is fed to the engine through a glass drip feed.
TYRES. - 700x85 non-skid Kempshall cord (extra heavy) on all wheels.
SILENCERS. - Are fixed in a special manner to frame, allowing the exhaust to pass out behind the gear box.
SPEED. - The Standard gears are 4 ½ to 1 and 8 to 1, or 5 to 1 and 10 to 1 for specially hilly districts. Special gears extra.
DIMENSIONS. - 9ft. 9in. long x 4ft. 8in. overall, wheel base 6ft. (Standard model 12in. shorter), chassis weight 3 cwt.
GUARANTEE. - The usual Motor Cycle guarantee given with each machine.
DELIVERY. - At our works. Use of crate or packing, if required, charged extra.
ELECTRIC LIGHTING SETS. - Lucas. Two head lamps with dimmers, switchboard, belt-driven dynamo.
EQUIPMENT. - All models are fitted with Horn, Hood (except AERO Model). Screen, Mats, Licence Holder, a small Kit of Tools, and ½-gallon Tin of Wakefield's "Castrol"
Oil. (For extras see page 11)
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